Monday, February 26, 2007

Events Having To do with Ice

On Saturday there was the huge ice storm. I was at work around 8:15am and that was before it started. Things were getting worser* and different people were coming in and saying that we were one of the few buildings left in the area that still had power. The lights were flickering now and again, and we suspected that we would soon lose power too. The first thing to go was the heater. I didn't realize how loud that thing is until it turned off. Before you didn't really have to be quiet in the library, but when it was off you could have heard a pin drop (except of course the fact that you can't really hear a pin drop on carpet and why would you drop something that might get stepped on and hurt the person who did the stepping anyway) Anyhoo, at that point the upper boss people decided to close early; by that time it was about 2:45 pm. We got everyone out of the building and 15 min later we lost power completely. The library is kinda creepy in the dark. But we made it out and I was able to get my car scraped off. Since I live 25 min out of town I made my way to my aunt's house which is about 7 min away on good days. It took about 15 min to get there this time. I had to dodge downed branches and trees. I had to make amazing stops at street light that were dead. You would have been very impressed. Oh, plus I had a cop following me for a good part of my journey. Well, I made it to the dark and getting colder house in one piece and ended up spending the night. It was a very enjoyable evening, scented candles, thick blankets, ice eaten when it's cold outside.
On Sunday morning I slept through my aunt and a friend of hers going in and out the door right near my head (I was on the couch in the living room). When I finally did wake up, I ate a bowl of cereal and headed home (after my aunt made sure I was really truly awake). I headed home because the ice had melted off the roads and they were just wet. It was, however, snowing on my way home, but it was nothing to panic about.

*I'm using that non-word because I feel like it. It doesn't detract from the meaning of my story, so it stays!