Saturday, October 07, 2006


Hats off to the person who invented high, swishing pony tails :)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Worthless Post

Here are a few random things that I have been doing:
1) Corning my friends houses.
2) Struggling through Algebra 1.
3) Not posting on my blog.
4) Joining Facebook
5) Posting this just because Joel is making me.
6) Playing touch football at the park.
7) Working very hard at the library (I got blisters. A word of advice, don't wear flip-flops at a job where you have to walk alot)
8) Organising my scrap booking stuff.
9) Closing my research paper without saving it!!!!!!
10) Jumping 4 Fun :)

Now that you've learned all that about me, you can go about your regular lives.