Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Important Information (or aye aye!)

I shall now attempt to inform you of my excitings.
First of all, I had my first driving experience in the snowing snow. It was pretty easy in town, and it stayed that way for about two miles out of town. But right when I got past the last lane of a friend's house (my last chance for a safe place), the car in front of me disappeared. Now I don't mean to imply that they ceased to exist, they were just suddenly out of my line of sight. Naturally, I wasn't comfortable with that, so my eyes scanned for possible escape options. You know those blue signs that have people's house number things on them. Maybe those are only in the country, I don't know, but anyway, through the swirling snow I glimpsed a blue sign. I pulled into that drive and turned around. I then made my way to my friend's house. They weren't home! Thankfully I had got a call from Miss Mona (yes, this is the same family that we pranked) had called me earlier so I knew that she didn't have her cell phone and that she had her son's. So I called and she was on her way home, so I wasn't all alone. I put on a brave face when they got there, but they knew I had been crying. However, the night ended up being pretty fun. I got hot chocolate...

Secondly, we went sledding two days ago! After church we had a quick lunch and then went to the say afor mentioned friends to go with them to a farewell party for some other friends. We didn't plan on staying there long, but ended up staying the whole time. When we finally got back to their house we put on different shoes (some people might call them boots) and bundled up a bit (it wasn't really that cold) and we hiked out to their sledding hill. Let me tell you, it's a good hill. I couldn't be steeper, but who am I to complain. We tried races and standing up! And the dog only got in the way twice--poor guy. He was so delirious with all the fun. We went back in after dark so that makes it a little after five. Then while our jeans dried in the dryer we put on nice pj pants and ate pizza and had cocoa. Unfortunately, that snow is pretty much melted now. I can't wait for the next round!!

Toe nail color update: Red. I gots to keep up with the season and green would look like mold or something.

There now you have read nearly every detail of two stories without much detail. I hope you enjoyed this.

1 comment:

Martha said...

You got...snow??? My sister would be so jealous if she knew that. All we got here was rain. But I liked the rain better. :)